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1PPSOne pulse per second. A very accurate pulse from the GPS module which can be used for exact absolute time measurements. That means, all clocks of all world-wide stations show the same time with a deviation of a few dozen nanoseconds. This is essential for the TOA method. ADC or A/D Analog-to-digital converter. Converts a continuous voltage to a digital number.
BlitzortungGerman for lightning locating
DFDirection-Finding. A method for locating lightning strokes. Not as accurate as the TOA-method.
E-fieldElectric field. The counterpart of the H-field in an electromagnetic field.
GPSGlobal Positioning System. A satellite navigation system that provides location and time information anywhere on the Earth. Maintained by the United States government. See 1PPS
H-fieldMagnetic field. The counterpart of the E-field in an electromagnetic field. Can be detected with magnetic field antennas, like loop or ferrite antennas.
MCUMicrocontroller unit. A small computer on an integrated circuit containing a processor core (CPU), memory and peripherals.
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
SBASSatellite-based augmentation system. Improves the navigation system's accuracy through the integration of external information into the calculation process. These external information are broadcasted to the GPS receivers by satellites.
TOATime-of-arrival. The and almost all commercial lightning detection networks uses the TOA method for accurate locating of lightning strokes.
UTCCoordinated Universal Time which is equal to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). All time stamps used for computing the lightning data use UTC as time base.
VLFVery low frequency. Radio frequencies in the range of 3 kHz to 30 kHz or wavelengths from 10 to 100 kilometres. The most powerful emissions of lightning discharges occur in the VLF range.
sfericAn abbreviation for radio atmospheric signal. It is a broadband electromagnetic impulse which occurs as a result of lightning discharges.

Documentation System RED, chapter Glossary