====== Interference Mode ====== original source(([[http://en.blitzortung.org/Compendium/Documentations/Documentation_2014-05-11_Red_PCB_10.4_PCB_12.3_PCB_13.1_PCB_14.1.pdf|Documentation System RED]], chapter 5.3)) The controller cannot distinguish between electromagnetic signals which have been sent out by lightning discharges on the one hand, and which are a result of local noise on the other hand. There is a variety of such sources which can generate interference, i.e. power-supplies, energy-saving lamps and almost all electric home equipment. The **interference mode** is used to reduce the amount of improper data send to the computing servers. It will be enabled, when the amount of signals is higher than a defined value. The threshold value for disabling the interference mode is several percents lower, which avoids conditions where the mode toggles between on and off all the time. The thresholds cannot be changed by the user. In detail, there are two interference modes implemented. The first one is very fast and checks the signal rates of a very short time period, i.e. of one second. This is very useful to protect the server against short bursts, which take only some seconds but produces a lot of interference signals. The second one is a slow interference mode, which checks the amount of signals during a longer time span, i.e. 60s. That means, it will be enabled on medium amount of interference signals over a longer time span.